Take charge and turn the green transition into business growth. We’ll give you a holistic vision and concrete tools to develop your sustainability and turn the results into an effective part of your brand.

Dieuwertje Damen
CEO, Rainbow Collection

By increasing the sustainability of your business, you increase its success.

Dutch companies are at the forefront of global sustainability. It’s about strategic choices and leadership: finding the areas of your business where you can increase your positive impact on the world while taking your business to the next level. The Nordic countries will see the same wave as Central Europe, there is still time to take advantage of the sustainability advantage.

Juuso Heinilä
Business Director, Finnvera

If you are a growth-oriented entrepreneur, you need to focus on sustainability.

Corporate responsibility and sustainability reporting are playing an increasing role in the price and availability of finance. Already, financiers look to public sources for corporate responsibility information and gaps can create unexpected barriers to access to finance. On the other hand, the most responsible projects and companies can access finance on unprecedented terms.

Petri Vuorio
Director, EK

Responsibility is a prerequisite for future business success

Sustainability is increasingly a strategic choice for companies to ensure success. As purchasing behaviour changes, people expect brands to be responsible and want to contribute to a sustainable future through their choices. In addition, a number of legislative projects are in the pipeline at EU level to drive forward sustainability requirements.

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